• Awaiting decision scholarone. Then, it changed to ‘Pending Editor prelim decision.

    May 25, 2020 · To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". The four possible decisions that a submission may receive and the corresponding actions are described below. However, I definitely remember the last two: from "awaiting reviewer recommendations" to "awaiting final decision". They’ve also referred the manuscript to the Managing Editors (ME) and to the peer reviewers to get a second opinion. Q: 您好,我是 3 个月前投稿的。大约 3 个礼拜前,ScholarOne 系统的状态变成了 Awaiting final decision。变成这个状态后的一个礼拜,我发邮件给责任编辑,询问我的论文进度,编辑回复说他已经收到了足够的审稿报告,正在等 editor-in-Chief 的答复,他才能跟我说最后的结果。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Feb 15, 2021 · Meaning of Awaiting ED Final Processing after Awaiting EIC Decision I had submitted an article using the ScholarOne manuscript system. Select the paper, then click on “Take Action”. Decisions letters are proofread in the order in which the manuscript was submitted. 7、Awaiting EIC decision——Taking into account the reviewers´comments, AE recommendation and his own opinion, EIC makes a final decision about the paper (accept – revision – reject). Feb 18, 2022 · First Steps. 1 INTRODUCTION USE GET HELP NOW AND FAQS As an Editor using ScholarOne Manuscripts for your journal, one of your greatest help tools is ScholarOne’s Frequently Asked Questions tab on our help site, Get Help Now. ’ The following day, it changed back again to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation. Instruction for authors) and that figures are of sufficient quality (resolution for bitmaps). Your article has been accepted and you will receive an email to confirm. However, yesterday the status reverted back to "Awaiting Reviewer Selection". Note: I am a ScholarOne employee, but my opinions/answers are my own. 2024. (主编会综合审稿专家、副主编以及他本人的意见,对一篇稿子做出最后的决定。 At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". Interestingly, it is/was awaiting "reviewer" (not reviewers- in a plural form) recommendations. Now, this status has remained for 18 days. This could possibly be because the manuscript does not fit the scope of the journal. Can someone please let me know what they actually mean? Thank you very much in advance! Jan 3, 2023 · Hello, for your information, I submitted my paper on the 28. are. In this case, possibly means they are sending it out for review. awaiting action editor decision (the reviews are in and a decision letter is forthcoming); view decision letter (a decision has been issued and emailed, and can be viewed here). Then the status changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation" after a month. In Production. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. After some days, the status changed to 'awaiting reviewer scores', but there is also the status 'awaiting decision' right next to it. Examples are IoT demands, impacts, and […] We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Mar 9, 2022 · I have submitted a manuscript to the ScholarOne journal and the first status was about admin checklist. Now it has been about 3-4 weeks with this status after the acceptance. of. On 4/26, the status on ScholarOne changed to awaiting decision. There are two bullet points that have remained unchanged for about 8 weeks now - one saying 'awaiting reviewer scores' and the other saying 'awaiting recommendation'. But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". At the third day, I saw Awaiting EE Decision which is still there. one. ’ It is a little odd that the latter statuses are taking longer. A confirmation pop-up will appear indicating that a new decision letter must be drafted. png wizard3683 2024-08-18 3981 次浏览 赞 231 1 . Nov 21, 2016 · The status of my manuscript is "Awaiting AE decision", and it has lasted for nearly four months. Mar 4, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to ScholarOne about 10 weeks ago. I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and investigators, that the EIC decision should not be taking so long. After one round of flawless revision [needed by the] reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), [the ‘awaiting’ status seems to be] over. ” Under the Author Dashboard Section, click on “Submitted Manuscripts. then after a month and a half, the status is changed again (Awaiting May 15, 2015 · After my paper was accepted, the status in the ScholarOne manuscript center changed from accepted to "accept" with the additional "awaiting production checklist". Can anybody please tell me what does it indicate? Oct 6, 2021 · I submitted a paper on ScholarOne last month. If the paper is outside the scope of TMI, it will be returned to the author with a decision of ‘immediate reject: submit to another journal’ within two weeks. I want to know how long will this status last. Last week I sent a gentle reminder to the editor and got no response. Then after a week or so, it changed to "Awaiting Reviewer Score(s)" and same day it changed back to "Under Review". The status changed to admin check to under review after one week. ’ The next day, it changed to ‘Awaiting Decision Approval. If it is not a desk reject, then it will surely go to the external peer-reviewers for review. Jun 26, 2020 · I have submitted two articles to a journal. I have recently submitted an article to a tylor & francis journal which uses ScholarOne. What can this mean? The platform is scholarone. Aug 30, 2020 · Answer: The status ‘Awaiting Referee Selection’ typically means that the manuscript is awaiting peer review. The decision letter draft is submitted for proofreading by the journal’s editorial staff. Sep 12, 2022 · For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. Does this mean that the paper has passed the editorial check and the external reviewer completed? Jan 31, 2024 · 2021/7/3 10:15 awaiting final decision Sep 14, 2020 · What does awaiting reviewer scores mean? Typically, in a ScholarOne system, the “Awaiting reviewer assignment” status is shown when invitations have been sent out to reviewers, but reviewers haven’t accepted them yet. Am I right to think that I should hear back fairly soon? I’m just not clear on what I’m waiting for, whether it would be reviewers’ comments or some decision from an editor? Jul 30, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to a scientific journal. A few days ago, the status changed from 'Awaiting reviewer response' to 'Awaiting reviewer scores. Clarivate Analytics | ScholarOne Manuscripts™ | Administrator User Guide Page 1 Effective Date: 21-Jan-2019 Document Version: 2. I addressed every single comment of reviewers and made all the suggested changes. It is difficult to predict the outcome of the manuscript at this stage, but you can be hopeful. Many countries still have (school) holidays, therefore some editors may be on holidays, and the decision has to wait until they return. Hope this helps. Information for Authors The IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) JOURNAL publishes articles on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various aspects of IoT. Click What does "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" mean within the context of a ScholarOne submission system? 1 Should I send a mail to query the process of my manuscript since it is in the "Awaiting EIC Decision" status for two weeks? You can submit to most Wiley journals online, via ScholarOne, Editorial Manager, or our submission system. 6. reviewers. I'm aware of the typical workflow of a journal. ” A week after my submission, the status became “Awaiting Final Decision. The editor may consult the editorial board or other editorial office members if required. 10. After a couple of days, the status changed from "Awaiting AE assignment" to "Under Review". Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". Oct 9, 2020 · I had sent an article to an SCIE journal using the ScholarOne manuscript system. TMI allows reviewers three weeks – may be extended per request – to complete the review. After one week, I wrote to the Managing Editor enquiring about the status of my article, and he told me that he had received the needed reviews, and he is only waiting for the word of the Editor-in-Chief before he communicates the final decision to me. The journal says on average they take 30 days to make a decision on a paper. What should be the interpretation of the current status of the manuscript? What should be the interpretation of the current status of the manuscript? This decision should take into consideration your own opinion of the paper, as well as the general consensus of the referees. But you’re not home-free just yet. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" What do you think that means? I submitted a manuscript to a journal using scholarone manuscript system, and later got a decision of major revision. Act According to Review Decision. Feb 9, 2019 · When to submit a revised paper to ScholarOne? I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (major revision). 8. Where a chapter needs reviewing, it will show up as Awaiting ED Decision or ED Make Decision (with the date when the review is due) - Click on the blue tick in the Take Action column on the right to begin reviewing a chapter Dec 4, 2018 · This, in turn, means that the status "Awaiting decision" refers to the decision that the editor will take about whether your paper will be sent for peer review or desk rejected. Peer review scores have been sent to the editor and the status is awaiting editor decision for almost 4 weeks now. several. It means the managing editors are waiting for the editors' decision. 4. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. Then in 3 weeks it was "awaiting reviewer reports" and yesterday finally "awaiting editorial decision". How should this double status be interpreted? Is the revised manuscript with the editor or reviewers, or both? Feb 18, 2014 · "First look" is a stage in the ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M) system used by many journals. 投稿した論文の査読状況は、通常、Author Dashboard の論文STATUS欄に表示されます。 長い期間、状況が変わらず、論文の状況を確認したい時は、雑誌の事務局(Editorや管理者)にお問い合わせください。 The Manuscript Status on ScholarOne displays “Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores” if one or more agreed reviewers have not submitted their scores. Not all software publishers are diligent about backward compatibility; it may not be safe to assume that a Oct 31, 2017 · The status of my submission changed from Admin: Not Assigned to EA: [name] plus Awaiting ED assignment plus Awaiting CE decision at Scholarone manuscripts. タイトル. ' However, I'm wondering that [the] ED, who is in charge of the editing team, has assigned [this status], but the GE hasn't assigned yet. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. ’ After that, it has been ‘Under Review’ for eight weeks. We request that authors suggest reviewers in their cover letters, but we also leave it at the Editor’s discretion to select appropriate reviewers. REVISIONS AND RESUBMISSION PROCESS Timing and Format With a typical ScholarOne configuration, "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" means that it is actually out with (at least some) reviewers, while "Under Review" would instead mean the previous stage, where it is being considered by the handling editor (s) and might still be rejected without review. 14 INTRODUCTION USE GET HELP NOW & FAQS As a ScholarOne Manuscripts Admin, one of your greatest help tools is ScholarOne’s Frequently Asked Questions tab on our help site, Get Help Now. ScholarOne Partner Program Researcher Recognition World-changing research should be seen, shared and celebrated. Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. Nov 5, 2019 · I submitted a manuscript to an "A" journal. And after 4 months the status changed to "awaiting EIC decision". May 11, 2021 · I submitted my manuscript to Management Science. Aug 3, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. Should I contact the journal about the status and why it's not changing? Jul 23, 2021 · I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again Feb 26, 2021 · Meaning of change from Awaiting Reviewer Assignment to Awaiting Reviewer Selection I have submitted a manuscript to a ScholarOne journal. Prepare the final files according to the guidelines specified in the decision letter. ” Aug 12, 2024 · 29 June 2024. Aug 15, 2015 · I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. I submitted my manuscript via ScholarOne and within 2 days my status went from "editor assigned" to "under review". Unfortunately, software changes frequently so compatibility is a dynamic issue. And now statues is "awaiting ed final processing". But the editor has sent your manuscript to another reviewer that's why it's again "awaiting reviewer Feb 18, 2022 · Once through this stage, your manuscript will move on to a stage such as “Awaiting Recommendation” and/or “Awaiting Decision” and it generally won’t be long before a decision is sent to you. on. Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central). For the first week of submission, the status was "with editor" and then it changed to under review for one week, then reviewers asigned Sep 8, 2022 · But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and is stuck at that for 3 weeks. Click the blue “Take Action” checkmark. Can I send a email to AE? Nov 12, 2020 · The status of my manuscript was ‘Under external review’ for four months. 1 . The senior editor uses the recommendation from the associate editor as a basis for his/her final decision. the second one was 'awaiting eic assignment' and now it says 'awaiting ae assignment'. A11: This will be dependent on the editorial decision, it will be clearly stated in the decision letter and you will need to strictly adhere to the deadline imposed. Ah, good, congratulations! If you had minor revisions from peer-review than it's most likely a pass and awaiting decision is a formality that they'll do once the semester is back in session. According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, "Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. Dec 19, 2017 · As written in the canonical answer linked in my previous comment, for some journals the decision is taken by a team rather than a single editor. is. Then, it changed to ‘Pending Editor prelim decision. It has been three weeks since. Sep 6, 2021 · A major revision was submitted to a journal. Decision in Process: This means that the editor is now determining a decision based on the peer reviewer's comments and their own assessment. Apr 1, 2019 · In my opinion, ED in ScholarOne refers to Editor and GE refers to Guest Editor. methods. Apr 20, 2020 · Today, there has been a status update on the journal's ScholarOne online portal which says "Awaiting SE Preliminary Decision". (some journals allow this at this point in the workflow) Add more reviewers, and continue the peer review process. Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Recommendation” queue. Also note that J-BHI only permits one major modification during the review cycle, any further major modification required for the revised paper will render your paper rejected. However, under the regular submission system, the status is "Decision Pendin Mar 9, 2017 · I have submitted a research paper in Elsevier journal. 06. then after a month and a half, the status is changed again (Awaiting decision), after 2 days, the Nov 19, 2020 · I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. So That’s It? That’s it. I had submitted a manuscript in Scholarone system. This means the initial check on the manuscript is complete, which means that the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) and/or the Associate Editor (AE) believe/s the manuscript fulfills basic journal criteria such as novelty of the research, quality of the writing, match with the journal’s scope Aug 7, 2024 · To check the status of your submission in our system, log into your ScholarOne Manuscripts account, and click on “Author. Mar 14, 2022 · I submitted a paper to a journal that uses the ScholarOne submission system. Two days ago, status of my manuscript changed from awaiting refree scores to awaiting AE decision but now again it has changed to awaiting refree I have submitted my paper to one of the springer journal. Aug 13, 2024 · 9月底提交一篇稿件到一个IEEE期刊上,10月初开始under review,今天一看,状态是Awaiting Decision 首页 论文范文 毕业论文 论文发表 论文格式 期刊 论文大全 期刊问答 问答百科 期刊大全 最新期刊 论文问答 杂志问答 Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central). Do I just keep waiting, send another email? What should I do with this frustrating Oct 8, 2015 · AE stands for Associate Editor. My went this way: in process-> awaiting decision-> awaiting decision approval; then back to in process again. It depends on how substantial the changes requested are, and whether the editor is able to check it himself. Apr 12, 2016 · Three weeks ago, in the ScholarOne system, it showed "Awaiting final decision". After almost three weeks of "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" the status changed to "Reviewers Invited". If you have used this login process before or already linked your ORCID iD to your ScholarOne profile, you will automatically be logged in to the ScholarOne site. After two months, it changed to “awaiting recommendation” status. What does this status mean? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. May 6, 2021 · Here the status could show "Editor assigned", or it could show "awaiting reviewer invitation". Can you please guide what obstacles I have crossed and what is currently happening? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Going by that assumption, the status of your first manuscript "ED: Not Assigned, GE: Not Assigned, Awaiting JM Checklist" means that no action has yet been taken on your paper. I submit my manuscript to IEEE WCL on 4/14/2019 (Minor revision). Now, after reviewer scores and after awaiting recommendation, the status shows " Awaiting Reviewer Scores" and " Awaiting Final Decision" together. 2024 as mentioned below Just give it some time; either you will get a decision or it will go for the review process. If ‘Awaiting EIC Decision’ is taking too long, is that a good sign or a bad sign? Any thoughts? Sep 12, 2021 · In the ScholarOne system (one of Taylor & Francis journals), the manuscript status is "Under Review". ’ Is this likely to be a rejection – or can I still expect an acceptance? Mar 6, 2021 · However, in the ScholarOne Manuscript System, the status changed from "Awaiting Referee Reports" to "Awaiting Decision". Mar 28, 2015 · AE stands for "Associate Editor. Now, it shows Awaiting Decision. Then it said “Awaiting Recommendation” for 2 weeks, and now as of a week and half it says “Awaiting Decision”. The status of the paper changed several times. Feb 5, 2022 · The status of the paper has since changed from "Under Review" to "Decision Pending", and recently, maybe 4 days ago, the status has changed to "Decision Pending Approval". ScholarOne Manuscript: 审稿人对审稿邀请做出答复后,系统后续回复审稿人答复的邮件模板设置 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. As described in the peer review and decision process, after the admin checklist or AE assignment stage, a manuscript may be forwarded to the EiC to determine if peer review is necessary. Decision disclosure. You may also contact the journal’s managing editor to inquire about the status of a submission. the. Once this status shows up, the author is generally informed of the editorial decision shortly afterward. ’ Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. The dashboard status is showing that the paper is under review but the editor has given the decision on dated 25. Depending on the journal, there may be a number of people still to look at your paper. Please let me know the decision you have received. Mar 13, 2022 · If the editorial management system (EMS) is distinguishing between the two, odds are "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" means the reviewers have not been invited yet, and "Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation" means the reviewers have not agreed to review the manuscript yet. action. Jan 21, 2019 · Clarivate Analytics | ScholarOne Manuscripts™ | Editor User Guide Page 1 Effective Date: 21-Jan-2019 Document Version: 3. After sending the “Decision Rescinded” notification, the page will refresh and return to the “Make Decision” task. 1 Accept. using. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. TMI’s average turnaround time, from initial submission to decision, is about 7-weeks. Two days later, it changed to “EO: XX Status is Under Review. If the journal does online publishing ahead of print, then you'll get a decision on the date it'll be available online. I submitted my manuscript to a journal from 1 month ago in scholar one. One of them got accepted within 10 days, but the status for the other one has been "Awaiting AE assignment" for 15 days now. Now, it is in the “Awaiting Reviewers Selection” mode once again. ’ After a week, it changed to ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment. In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can remember, these were Awaiting ADM Processing and Awaiting technical editor selection. The manuscript status has changed from "awaiting reviewer scores" back to ";under review". After a week the status changed to “Under Review”. After one round of revision, needed by the reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), the Awaiting EIC Decision has changed to Awaiting ED Final Processing. Whether a long time at this status hints towards a negative outcome. 「Awaiting AE Assignment - 編集委員の選任」や「Awaiting Reviewer Selection (査読者の選出)」など、査読プロセスにある論文のステータスは以下の方法でご変更いただけます。 Manuscript Files のタブにアクセス We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ScholarOne Manuscripts: 管理者ダッシュボード(査読プロセスの Nov 16, 2015 · If this is the 2nd scenario noted above--that ScholarOne uses the status "awaiting reviewer selection" to indicate that the paper is with the editor and will only be reviewed by the editor (after the submission of a revised manuscript)--why it does not directly indicate the status "awaiting final (EIC) decision"? – Feb 17, 2021 · Make a decision. If your paper’s status on the online submission system is ‘awaiting decision’ or some such thing, this indicates that the referees have come good and that your paper is back with the editorial team. Aug 18, 2024 · 问问大家有没有遇到过Under Review 和 Awaiting AE decision/Awaiting EIC Decision同时出现的情况,是什么情况呢?投的TIE的,谢谢! ScholarOne Manuscpts. Feb 14, 2023 · After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". Similarly, senior editors are guided by the recommendations of reviewers and associate editors, but they are required to make their own judgments on the merits of a paper. " I have submitted a manuscript to a journal that uses ScholarOne manuscript submission system. I have sent two pieces of mail to AE to inquire of the status, but I have not received any reply. It also helps you understand the difference between being patient and waiting too long, identify situations when you should raise a query, and tells you how often Final Decision. The editorial board member could make a decision now, or they could go ahead and invite reviewers. My co-author submitted the article 22 days ago, and since then, the status has remained as "Awaiting Editorial Office Process". My last status was ''awaiting AE recommendation," and now it has changed to ''awaiting ED decision'' does this means my paper is rejected or what? Jan 21, 2020 · I recently submitted a manuscript to a reputed computer science (CS) journal that follows the ScholarOne workflow system. How to submit your manuscript in ScholarOne Manuscripts: a step-by-step guide. The system you use will depend on which journal you want to submit to. After resubmission, it went to "Under review" quickly. Is it alright that it hasn't been changed for so long? Should I contact the editor? How long does the process take normally? After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. How long do I need to wait to get the result? Thanks! Jun 9, 2021 · I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. Hi good day, I have submitted my article in energies (energies-3092655) on dated 21. The. Mar 13, 2020 · Meaning of double statuses on ScholarOne: Awaiting ME Decision and Awaiting CE/Reviewer Scores I submitted a paper on ScholarOne this morning. Given the holiday season, I would wait another week before asking. methods. page. Awaiting Editor Decision. Upload the final files to ScholarOne by clicking on “Awaiting final files” and then “submit Jul 11, 2017 · Hi everyone, I am a bit confused and wanted to bug you about something. Awaiting EIC Decision. Mar 13, 2022 · 'Awaiting decision' means the required reviews to make a decision were completed. k. Also known as with editors (APS), review completed, required reviews completed (Elsevier Editorial System (EES)), awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting decision (ScholarOne), awaiting EiC decision (IEEE), Editor Decision Started (AIP), Decision Started (NPG), or pending decision (Bioinformatics Oxford journal). for. Jul 15, 2019 · Unfortunately, a direct “decision in process” or “awaiting final decision” without undergoing peer review possibly means that the manuscript will be desk rejected. ” I wonder if my manuscript was rejected by the journal editor directly without going through peer review? Mar 28, 2020 · My manuscript status changed from ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores’ to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation,’ but the same day, it went back to ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores. reviewer . Each reviewer who reports on a paper will be automatically notified of the final decision, together with copies of the anonymous reviews. Now, the status has changed to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. After 18 days the status was "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment". Now, the status has changed to ‘Awaiting Admin Final Processing’ from ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. A revision decision will cause the manuscript to appear in the "Manuscripts Awaiting Revision" area of the submitting author’s Author Center. Jul 24, 2018 · I submitted my manuscript via the ScholarOne system. I would like to ask from you: does this status sounds like a normal status after acceptance? Jun 12, 2020 · A month ago, I submitted my paper to the Emerald journal, which uses the ScholarOne manuscript system. My understanding is that the editor has made the decision based on the reviews, but they have now passed the decision to the editor-in-chief. ’ Please help me understand these status changes. Oct 2022, it passed all the steps of reviews. Now, 12 hours later, it's reading Awaiting ME Decision plus Awaiting CE/Reviewer Scores. Commit a new decision using the "Make Decision" task. If you have further questions, you can access ScholarOne Author support. The First look stage means that your manuscript, after an "Accept" decision is scrutinized to see if it adheres to journal standards (a. Click the radio button that corresponds with the new decision. 我通过 ScholarOne manuscripts 投稿,under review 的状态只维持了一个礼拜,现在的状态是 Awaiting final decision,已经有两天了,这是要被拒的节奏吗? A: 同行评审一般来说要花 1 个月到 3 个月不等的时间,一个月完成审稿确实有点不寻常,但是使用 ScholarOnce Manuscripts I submitted a manuscript that went through the entire peer review process. Select a recommendation, then write in your comments to the EiC and Author. selecting. t backed up) waiting to be sent to some reviews. If this is your first time linking the ORCID and ScholarOne accounts together, you will be asked to authorize the IOP journal to get their ORCID iD and to read limited-access We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The online status was “Not Assigned” at the beginning. ""Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. Search. Visit the information for authors page and download the instructions document and the manuscript template. Follow the steps below to complete your manuscript submission. . This should provide valuable feedback to all those who participate in the peer review process. Regular manuscripts that are not revised within one year may be reclassified as "withdrawn", and revisions submitted after the one-year mark may be treated as new submissions. The manuscript status was first displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. Learn the meanings of statuses and the average time taken at each stage, along with detailed descriptions of the many statuses from submission to first decision and final decision. 9. Decision pending: The decision letter drafted by the SME may include reviewer comments as appropriate and the SME may provide additional suggestions for revision. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. It it is desk reject, then reviewer means the editor herself. Aug 19, 2021 · Awaiting Second Opinion: This means that the associate Editor (AE) has had a look at your manuscript and has made a tentative decision on it. ’ Peer review is an integral part of the publishing process, learn more about the peer review process, including: what the reviewer is looking for, the possible outcomes of peer review, common reasons for rejection, what to do if your manuscript is rejected, and how to respond to the reviewer comments. What does this mean? What does the 'SE' stand for? Why is the decision to be made by the SE classified as "preliminary"? Will there by further non-preliminary decisions made at the editorial office? Oct 18, 2023 · I submitted a paper to a journal that used scholarone and the reviewers recommended a major revision. tab. ScholarOne attempts to maintain compatibility with supported browsers and the most popular word processing tools. first. Our FAQs provide Nov 24, 2021 · After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". How do I interpret this? "awaiting decision approval" does not necessarily mean desk rejection. When prompted by an email notification, log in to your editor center and find the manuscript from the dashboard link “Awaiting Reviewer Selection”. Mar 25, 2016 · My first submission attempt was rejected by journal, but they offered resubmission after incorporating review comments. Mar 9, 2022 · 제가 이번에 투고한 논문이 "Awaiting EIC Decision" 이후에 "Major Revision"을 받았고, 수정본 및 답변서를 제출한 상태입니다. After almost three weeks of being in Awaiting Reviewer Assignment, the status has changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. (types. The Editor will take into account the expert reviewers’ opinions to make an informed decision of accept, reject or revise. Learn about the peer review process Nov 19, 2020 · Most likely this doesn't reflect positive response, if it changed directly from under review or awaiting reviewers score to awaiting editor decision. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Is this common in scientific journals? I submitted others manuscripts to other journals and the review process was different. " This status has not been changed for a month. Topics include IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications. Sep 15, 2021 · After 3 months with an "Awaiting Referee Report" status in a ScholarOne Manuscripts journal, the new status changed to "Awaiting AE decision" and in the same day back to "Awaiting Referee Report". 編集委員長の採否決定待ち. mfjjw amomjcq algf kiwghb bmv lbd agcrwb xgieg cyzv sqq