Haftarah vaera. This week's haftarah is from Ezekiel.

1 Jan 12, 2024 · VaEra: Delusions of Power . Edit; Facebook; Twitter; (Ezek. Click here for a summary of the Haftarah for Vaera. -:-:-:-:Roeh Dr. Text-Based Learning. Salkin, Jewish Publication Society, 2017 The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series) (paid link) Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993 Va'eira, Va'era, or Vaera (וָאֵרָא ‎—Hebrew for "and I appeared," the first word that God speaks in the parashah, in Exodus 6:3) is the fourteenth weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה ‎, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the second in the Book of Exodus. Yoel Halevi will teach you Biblical Hebrew, along with great insight on the Torah and Tanakh. On the Haftarah: Plant Now, Benefit Later. But when the boy goes out into the On Haftorah Audio we have chosen a fairly common system of trop that is standard in many communities. MX :-. When Pharaoh repeatedly refuses to let the Israelites go, God sends a series of plagues: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, death of livestock, boils The name of the Parshah, "Va’era," means "and I appeared" and it is found in Exodus 6:3. Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). Yechezkel 28:25. Microsoft Outlook, iPhone, iPad, macOS Desktop Calendar, Android (via Google Calendar). In vain, Israel attempted to forge an alliance with Egypt against the Babylonians. Haftarah. Jan 6, 2024 · Torah Portion readings and the associated Haftarah readings generally follow the Stone Edition Chumash and/or the Complete Jewish Bible. Shabbat, 25 Tevet, 5785. Salkin, Jewish Publication Society, 2017 The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series) (paid link) Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993 Mar 9, 2024 · The Haftarah The haftarah is a reading from the Prophets and adds a reflection to the parashah. Sarah gives birth to Isaac, and Abraham sends away Hagar and Ishmael. com et pour le direct live sur www. When Rosh Chodesh Tevet or Machar Chodesh fall on Shabbat Hanukkah, the first and last verses (or just the last verse) of the haftarot for Rosh Chodesh and/or Machar Chodesh may be added at the end of the haftarah reading. The Hebrew Torah written in the English alphabet to aid English readers and those who are learning Hebrew. Haftorah Summary. Merekha Tipeha Merekha Sof-Pasuk Download. You are praised Adonai, who chooses the Torah, Moses Your servant, Israel Your people and prophets of truth and righteousness. Current Parshah. 1 day ago · We offer three kinds of Torah and Haftarah downloads: Calendar feeds for desktop, mobile and web calendars. Textos Texto en hebreo Texto en español The Haftarah for Vaera is a prophecy about Egypt’s downfall, and it too uses the Nile as a central motif. The haftarah for Vayeira includes two stories about miracles performed by Elisha. The Eternal appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre as he was sitting at the entrance of the tent at about the hottest time of the day. Click here for the full text of Vaera in English. " 1 Now a woman, of the wives of the disciples of the prophets, cried out to Elisha, saying, "Your servant, my husband, has died, and you know that your servant did fear the Lord; and the creditor has come to take my two children for himself as slaves. The same applies regarding the first pair of verses. • Based on triennial cycle. This week's haftorah is the first of a series of three "haftorot of affliction. Elisha served the Jewish people as their mentor and protector, and this week’s Haftorah relates two of the miraculous incidents that he performed. 1. This week's haftorah begins with a mention of the ingathering of the exiles, echoing G‑d 's promise mentioned in the Torah portion: "I will take you out of the suffering of Egypt. Haftarah readings generally follow the Ashkenazi tradition. In the Parshah of Eikev (“Because”), Moses continues his closing address to the children of Israel, promising them that if they will fulfill the commandments of the Torah, they will prosper in the Land they are about to conquer and settle in keeping with G‑d’s promise to their forefathers. View by Book, Chapter, Parsha & Haftarah. Access our recordings of Hebrew Chanting, prayers, and Torah portions. Who Really Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart? This haftarah is special in that it gets you feeling that G‑d loves and wants us. II Kings 4:1 - 4:37. The name of the Parshah, "Va’era," means "and I appeared" and it is found in Exodus 6:3. Dec 25, 2019 · This is an English translation of the Haftarah reading for Parashat Va’era (Ezekiel 28:25-29:21), transtropilized. 26 Y habitarán en ella seguros, y edificarán casas, y plantarán Oct 30, 2020 · An English translation of the Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayera (II Kings 4:1-37) in the annual cycle, "transtropilized" according to the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible by Len Fellman. At God’s command > Eikev 5783: "Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want" Jan 21, 2023 · Parashat Vaera from Sefaria. Weekly Torah Commentary. Subscribe to Haftorah Summary and receive this weekly class via e-mail. Sometime around the year 3043 – 705 b. Kings II 4:1-37. He speaks of the exiled nation of Israel as a woman unable to have children, stranded in despair, but about to be redeemed. Haftara Vaera - Torah - Livre Ézéchiel - Hébreu - Phonétique - Tehilim Online The second reading from the book of Exodus and fourteenth reading from the Torah is named Va’era, which means “and I appeared. For the haftarah of Va'era, From the Teachings of the Rebbe. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete. This is a work in progress and will be finished asap, iy"H. Before the ascent of Elijah to heaven, Elisha requested of his teacher that he be granted “a double portion of your spirit. The haftarah, too, tells us of miracles performed by God through his prophet, Elisha. This week’s haftorah teaches us a profound lesson regarding arrogance and self dependency. Each word in the first verse has a corresponding word in the second verse, and thus Elisha parallels God. By Rabbi Aron Tendler. Please Note:The text If the haftarah you are looking for is not in the full list above then please mail us and we will try to get a volunteer to record it. Subscribe to Parshah Picks A quick summary of Parashat Va'era. 1 “Three rebellious sins” G‑d was Here you will find a growing collection of materials related to Parashat Vayera. Play list Acharei Mot (Ve'ata Ben Adam) The name of the Parshah, "Vayera," means "And He appeared" and it is found in Genesis 18:1. Other communities could possibly read more, less, or a different section of the Prophets altogether. So much effort—and they had not been duly rewarded for it… Jeremiah 1:1-2:3. This is an English translation of the Haftarah readings for Parashat Vayera (II Kings 4:1-37), transtropilized. The haftorah of this week's reading opens with a statement by "the Almighty G‑d, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who laid out the earth and made grow from it. Jan 12, 2024, 9:33 AM . Join Rabbi Dennis on the shores of Lake Texoma as he discusses the haftarah for the portion, Vaera. To begin with, Elisha saves a widow from her creditors, who are threatening to sell her children into slavery. Nov 7, 2020 · Prophetic Portion to Vayera (And He Appeared) Genesis 18:1-22:24, 2 Kings 4:1-37 This week’s haftarah portion covers two miraculous accounts performed by the prophet Elisha. The second of our rare haftaros leined this year is that of Parashas Tazria, “V’ish ba. Nov 3, 2023 · Résumé de la Paracha de Vayéra. Ezequiel 28:25 Así ha dicho Hashem el Señor: Cuando recoja a la casa de Israel de los pueblos entre los cuales está esparcida, entonces me santificaré en ellos ante los ojos de las naciones, y habitarán en su tierra, la cual di a mi siervo Jacob. Visit us today! The irony is clear. Javier Palacios Celorio. Haftorah in a Nutshell. For an informed reading of the weekly Haftarah: I Kings 4:1-37. Abraham suddenly noticed three travelers passing by, and ran to invite them into his home. Isaac is almost sacrificed by his father on top of Mount Moriah, but is saved at the last minute by an angel and a strategically-placed ram. Torah Reading Overview. Read on 23 October 2021 / 17 Cheshvan 5782 in the Diaspora. Shemot Haftarah Companion. 25 January, 2025. Check out possibly the best known Torah and Bible story - the ten plagues! A rousing "Let my people go" kicks of weeks of frogs and hail and boils, but Rabbi Katie Mizrahi explains that those weren't even the REAL plagues. This startling prediction raised major concern due to her elderly state coupled with her physical inability of bearing children. | Torah portion- Exodus 6:2-9:35 - Haftarah- Ezekiel 28:25–29:21 The haftara or (in Ashkenazic pronunciation) haftorah (alt. The trope/cantillation used to chant these portions is based on Binder. Vaera (Exodus 6:2-9:35) and Haftarah (Ezekiel 28:25-29:21): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible) (paid link) Rabbi Jeffrey K. c. Read on 4 November 2023 / 20 Cheshvan 5784 in the Diaspora. Salkin, Jewish Publication Society, 2017 The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series) (paid link) Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993 Rav Mijael Avila «Shlita» Sinagogas Bet HaDerej [email protected] Lectura. 1st Portion: (Exodus 6:2-13) Show content in: English Both Hebrew. Tevet 25, 5785. The nature of a slave / master relationship is for the slave to be dependent on the master and the master to feel a proprietorship over the slave. GOZOYPAZ. G‑d reveals Himself to Abraham three days after the first Jew’s circumcision at age ninety-nine; but Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who appear in the desert heat. Au cours de la visite des anges chez Avraham et Sarah, ils annoncent à Avraham la future naissance l'année suivante d'un garçon, issu de Sarah. Yet in Haftarat Noach, Isaiah employs metaphors of his own on several layers. 3. Salkin, Jewish Publication Society, 2017 The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series) (paid link) Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993 The New Bar/Bat Mitzvah Maftir and Haftarah Book, edited by Hazzan Sheldon Levin in consultation with his Cantorial colleagues of the Cantors Assembly (co-publishers of the books). Dec 16, 2023 · Essentially, the only time this haftarah can be leined is when Chanukah starts on a Friday and hence ends directly before Shabbos Mikeitz. israeltorah. Ezekiel 28:25 -29:21. ** While it can be tempting to start learning your Haftorah by trying to memorize the melody of the entire text, it is MUCH better and easier in the long run to take the time to learn the actual trop first. In the first miracle, an impoverished widow had no means to pay a debt owed by her late husband, and a creditor was threatening to take her two sons as slaves in lieu of her payment of the debt. Torah reading, Haftarah, links to audio and commentary. Out of deep appreciation to a Shunamite lady’s hospitality the Prophet Elisha promised that she would bear a son. Jan 10, 2024 · Just as Parashat Vaera deals with the plagues that G-d brought upon Egypt, the Haftarah deals with the punishment that G-d will bring upon Egypt- its people will go into exile and never again will Oct 23, 2021 · Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). " This echoes the Torah portion's recounting of the creation of the world in six days. G‑d reveals Himself to Moses. Haftarah: (Ezekiel 28:25 - 29:21) Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. These passersby, who were actually angels in human disguise, accepted the invitation, and Abraham and Sarah prepared a sumptuous feast for the Haftarah text for parshat vayera. 5 Comments. Jewish Texts Nov 4, 2023 · Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). Haftorah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier Here you will find a growing collection of materials related to Parashat Vaera. * The haftarah for Shabbat Hanukkah always takes precedence. Show Rashi's Commentary First ואשה אחת מנשי בני הנביאים צעקה אל אלישע לאמר עבדך אישי מת ואתה ידעת כי עבדך היה ירא את ה' והנושה בא לקחת את שני ילדי לו לעבדים. ” Drawn from the Yom Kippur haftarah, the editors of Mahzor Lev Shalem used these words to open the high holiday prayer book. " These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha b'Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah. " These three haftarot are read during the Three Weeks of mourning for Jerusalem, between the fasts of 17 Tammuz and 9 Av. Here you will find the Haftarah portion that is to be chanted along with the Torah portion of the same name. The name of the Parshah, "Eikev," means "because," and it is found in Deuteronomy 7:12. Vayera Text Study. RSS feeds for RSS readers and news aggregator tools; Leyning spreadsheets for aliyah-by-aliyah breakdown of Torah readings for Shabbat, holidays and In Parashat Vayikra we read about forms of public sacrifice that one can use to sustain or renew a relationship with God. Ezekiel foretells that God will punish the current Egyptian Pharaoh, whom he describes as “Mighty monster, sprawling in the Nile channels” (Ezekiel 29:3). Essays and Divrei Torah on Va’era - וארא, integrating Historical and Contextual approaches. ** While you may be tempted to try and memorize the melody of your Haftorah WITHOUT learning the trope, it is MUCH easier in the long … Haftarah for Va’Era Read More » Shemot Shemot – First Aliyah ShabbatShemot – Second AliyahShemot – Third AliyahShemot – Fourth AliyahShemot – Fifth AliyahShemot – Sixth AliyahShemot – Seventh AliyahShemot – Haftarah Vaera Vaera – First AliyahVaera – Second AliyahVaera – Third Aliyah & Fourth AliyahVaera – Fifth AliyahVaera – Sixth AliyahVaera – Seventh AliyahVaera – Haftarah Bo Bo – First Jan 1, 1980 · 1 In the tenth year, on the twelfth day of the tenth month, the word of the Lord came to me: 2 O mortal, turn your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him and against all Egypt. Haftorah Summary for Parshas Vayera (5780) Kol HaKollel . 20 And it came to pass after these matters, that it was told to Abraham saying: "Behold Milcah, she also bore sons to Nahor your brother. , Elisha took over the mantle of prophecy from Eliyahu. Bereishis Shemos Vayikra Bamidbar Devarim Holidays Vaera Torah Portion: Exodus 6:2–Exodus 9:35. Comme nous l’avions déjà mentionné à l’occasion de la Haftara de Vayigach, Ezéchiel est considéré dans notre tradition comme le troisième des grands prophètes, aux côtés d’Isaïe et de Jérémie. Haftaras Parashas Tazria. The portion begins with four expressions of redemption whereby God promises to bring Israel out Parashat Vaera from Sefaria. Public Torah Reading (361) Nigun (467) Parshah (5140) Va'eira (94) Subscribe. Nov 8, 2022 · The prophet Elisha promises an elderly couple they will have their only child, and indeed the woman gives birth to a boy. Text Studies : Nov 7, 2020 · Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). Nov 3, 2020 · A podcast that comes to you from northern Israel, Hebrew In Israel podcast is dedicated to teaching biblical hebraic understanding of the Scriptures. (Transtropilation is the term coined by Len Fellman to describe the process of translating from cantillated Hebrew, as closely as possible, “word for word and trōp for trōp”, with the main purpose being to aid WWW. Merekha Tipeha Munah Etnahta Download. Last week's Torah portion told how Moses and Aaron were commissioned to go before Pharaoh and deliver the Lord's message: shelach et-ammi (שַׁלַּח אֶת־עַמִּי) - "Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness. 2. Salkin, Jewish Publication Society, 2017 The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series) (paid link) Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993 The “Torah” and the “Haftorah”, are an integral part of the Bar-Mitzvah. Despite Abraham’s attempts to convince God otherwise, God destroys the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. They both start with 4 words with the 3rd word being the word LO, with the same trop. The second one, concerning the Shunamite woman, seems clearly tied to the parsha: a woman is barren; she and her h Vayera Commentary. The Passion (5782) A Father’s Love (5781) Clear Goal (5780) First Aliyah: G‑d paid Abraham a visit, as he sat at the entrance of his tent. Show Rashi's Commentary Bereshit (Genesis) Chapter 18. Jewish Texts Oct 12, 2018 · Loading. All Parshahs. Salkin, Jewish Publication Society, 2017 The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series) (paid link) Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993 1 A certain woman, the wife of one of the disciples of the prophets, cried out to Elisha: "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know how your servant revered the Lord. Elisha had been the student of Elijah the prophet . Learning & Values. by Rabbi Pinchas Avruch. A haftarah is a text selected from the books of Nevi'im ("The Prophets") that is read publicly in the synagogue after the reading of the Torah on Sabbath and holiday mornings. Read on 27 October 0294 / 20 Cheshvan 4055 in the Diaspora. " Oct 23, 2022 · Learn how to chant the haftarah (haftorah) of Parashat Vaera. " Va'era Haftorah in a Nutshell. Shemot Haftorah: Hebrew and English. Both center around women and their children, which not only relates to the Torah portion, but spiritually to the future and the prophetic realm. It constitutes Exodus 6:2–9:35. Read on 8 November 2025 / 17 Cheshvan 5786 in the Diaspora. On the Haftarah: Action Is the Main Thing. Complete: (Genesis 18:1 - 22:24; Kings II 4:1-37) Show content in: English Both Hebrew. When we left off at the end of Jan 16, 2021 · Parashat Vaera from Sefaria. The Haftarah of Noach is made up of 2 haftarot. The prophet Elisha cares for two widows in this week’s haftarah Vayera. Select any Torah portion or Haftarah. Haftarah Vayera: 2 Kings 4:1-37 Other Teachings Mentioned in this Podcast. Both ideas are explored in the Haftarah, taken from the Book of Isaiah, as well. Jewish texts and source sheets about Parashat Vayera from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. ** While you may be tempted to try and memorize the melody of your Haftorah WITHOUT learning the trope, it is MUCH easier in the long … Haftarah for Va-Yera Read More » Haftarah: (Kings II 4:1-37) Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. -:-:-:-: » HAFTARA VAYERA « :-. (Year 3 of the Maftir reading is the Traditional Maftir) • The Torah script of the Maftir matches the script of the Torah […] Sep 16, 2023 · Shabbat Torah Readings 5784 Diaspora. ” The title comes from the first words of the second verse of the reading, which says, “And I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty” (Exodus 6:3). Torah: Genesis 18:1-22:24 Haftarah: II Kings 4:1-4:37 (Ashkenazim); II Kings 4:1-4:23 (Sephardim) This week’s Haftorah reveals to us an incredible dimension of faith and its astounding result. e. But when she came up to the man of God on the mountain, she clasped his feet. Subscribe. They inform Abraham that God will give the elderly Sarah a Nov 6, 2011 · Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). 21 And he said to him, "Behold I have favored you also as regards this matter, that I will not overturn the city that you have mentioned. Read on 7 November 2020 / 20 Cheshvan 5781 in the Diaspora. [1]. Isaiah introduces God at the beginning of this Haftarah as “the One who created the heavens and stretched them out, who made the earth and all that grows in it” (Isaiah 42:5). This year the words held a special poignancy, as each of us was simultaneously “the one who is far away” and “the one who is close. Shalom amado creyente en la Torah, Si necesita Haftorah Haftarah Reading for Parsha Vaera by Rabbi Moshe P. Vayera (“He Appeared”) opens as guests inform Abraham that Sarah will give birth. Divrei Torah. Subscribe to Parshah Picks More subscription options » Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). " The Torah reading וַיֵּרָא Vayera (“he appeared,” Genesis 18–22) grabs readers’ attention with its gripping account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the scandalous consequences of Lot’s choices. Va’era Haftarah Companion. Rabbi Michoel Slavin, veteran and expert Baal Korei, is the regular Torah reader in the central Chabad Yechezkel 28:25 The theme of the Exodus is the Jew and the Egyptian recognizing G-d’s absolute mastery over all things. Again, Hosea uses metaphors from nature, but this time in a positive way: “He (Israel) shall blossom like the lily, shall strike root like the Lebanon tree” (14:6). : כא וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵלָ֔יו הִנֵּה֙ נָשָׂ֣אתִי פָנֶ֔יךָ גַּ֖ם לַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֑ה לְבִלְתִּ֛י הָפְכִּ֥י אֶת־הָעִ֖יר אֲשֶׁ֥ר דִּבַּֽרְתָּ: Jan 13, 2024 · Parashat Vaera from Sefaria. By Mendel Dubov. Torah Reading for Va'eira. . And now a creditor is coming to seize my two children as slaves. Due to their sins, most of which were perpetrated against the Jews, they would all soon fall under the conquest of the then rising superpower, Assyria . In this haftarah, Ezekiel delivers a tirade against Egypt. On a regular Shabbat, the weekly Torah portion is divided up into seven parts. Isaiah delivered his prophecy to Judeans who had been exiled from the Land of Israel, and were living in Babylon. By Michoel Slavin. Weisblum PhD. Mar 9, 2024 · The Haftarah The haftarah is a reading from the Prophets and adds a reflection to the parashah. Nov 1, 2017 · Upon Obadiah’s death, Yoram called in the loans, ruining the widow financially, and prompting the whole episode in our Haftarah. 1st Portion: (Genesis 18:1-14) Show content in: English Both Hebrew. ” The name of the Parshah, "Vayera," means "And He appeared" and it is found in Genesis 18:1. But just as in the time of the Exodus, Egypt would once again suffer a great downfall. For an informed reading of Ezekiel 28:25–29:21. haftarah, haphtara, Hebrew: הפטרה) "parting," "taking leave" [1] (plural form: haftarot or haftoros), is a series of selections from the books of Nevi'im ("Prophets") of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) that is publicly read in synagogue as part of Jewish religious practice. Torah: Exodus 6:2-9:35 Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21. HAFTARAH SUMMARY. Re'eh and Kitetsei. Haftarah: (Isaiah 43:21 - 44:23) Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. org Sefaria, Inc. This week’s Torah portion tells the story of the world’s creation, and the Haftarah provides its own sort of commentary on the Torah’s first portion. Show Rashi's Commentary Shemot (Exodus) Chapter 6. : כ וַיְהִ֗י אַֽחֲרֵי֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה וַיֻּגַּ֥ד לְאַבְרָהָ֖ם לֵאמֹ֑ר הִ֠נֵּ֠ה יָֽלְדָ֨ה מִלְכָּ֥ה גַם־הִ֛וא בָּנִ֖ים לְנָח֥וֹר Jan 27, 2017 · La Haftara de cette semaine nous renvoie pour la deuxième fois au prophète Ezéchiel. by Michoel Slavin. Then you will be able to apply the The Haftarah for Parashat Vayera concerns two nisim (miracles) performed by the prophet Elisha, the disciple of Eliyahu haNavi (Elijah the Prophet). Parshat Hashavua. Roni Hakarah LO Yaladah and Oniya Soarah LO Nuchama. This week's haftorah is the second of a series of seven "haftorot of Consolation. Nov 18, 2016 · La Haftara de cette semaine se situe dans le deuxième tome du livre des Rois. Escritos Mesiánicos – Lucas 11:14-22. Parshah Study. In this Torah portion, three guests arrive at Abraham and Sarah’s tent. Read on 16 November 2024 / 15 Cheshvan 5785 in the Diaspora. DOWNLOAD: PDF | ODT (with Hebrew) PDF | ODT (sans Hebrew). Because it's a long haftarah, this is Part I (stay tuned for Part II) Finally, and perhaps most poignantly, both the Torah portion and the haftarah close with stories of sons who miraculously survive what would otherwise be a deadly experience. By Yitzi Hurwitz. The Torah (Five Books of Moses) is divided into 54 sections, or parshiyot. The oracle has been dated to the time of the last siege of Babylon on Jerusalem, in the year 586 BCE. In Vayera's haftarah, we read the story of Elisha and a big deal woman in Shunem reflecting three different models of hospitality. You can also subscribe to the weekly Torah Portion emails, access FFOZ teachings in one curated dashboard experience, and bookmark articles, videos, and more for easy reference in your personal library. Jan 18, 2023 · Retrouvez nous sur notre site www. In the wake of the destruction of Jerusalem and the First Temple, God explains that God has not in fact abandoned Zion. Parshah (5140) Vayeira (126) Subscribe. Hachem apparaît à Avraham après s'être circoncis. Related Topics. January 25, 2025. The Almighty describes to Ezekiel the great effort that Nebuchadnezzar and his army put into one of their great military campaigns: the battle against Tyre. Jewish texts and source sheets about Parashat Vaera from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. Nov 4, 2023 · Haftarah: (Kings II 4:1-37) Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. Haftarah – Ezequiel 28:25-29:21. The prophet Yechezkel is instructed to deliver a crushing message to Pharaoh and his Egyptian empire predicting its downfall and total destruction. The next time this haftarah is slated to be read is in another 17 years in 5801/2040. Egypt had taken on to fight Babylon. Employing the “four expressions of redemption,” take out the Children of Israel from Egypt, deliver them from their enslavement, redeem them, and acquire them as His own chosen people at “Mount Sinai”; He will then bring them to the land He promised to the Haftorah Summary for Parshas Vaera (5780) Kol HaKollel . Chant the aliyah blessings, Torah portion and haftarah like a pro! Use this interactive tool to learn to chant the Torah at synagogue. Vayera Commentary. When all the parts have been read the ending of the last “Aliya” is repeated, and that is called the “Maftir”. This week's haftorah describes a similar incident that occurred many years later — the prophet Elisha assuring an elderly childless woman that she will bear a child. This week's haftarah is from Ezekiel. Parshat Va'eira. You will find text that you can follow along with to Haftarah. She doesn’t have enough money to pay off the debts her husband left behind; all she has is a small vial of oil. The weekly Haftarah is often a single-minded metaphor for the week’s Torah portion. Nov 2, 2023 · “Shalom, shalom to the one who is far away and to the one who is close. 3 Speak these words: Thus said the Lord God: I am going to deal with you, O Pharaoh king of Egypt, Mighty monster, sprawling in your channels, B’rachot for the Haftarah B’rachah before the Reading of the Haftarah You are praised Adonai our God, ruler of the universe, who has chosen devoted prophets and was pleased with their words uttered with truth. With a free account you can access all the content on Torah Portions. ” 1 This was indeed fulfilled, and Scripture enumerates twice The Haftarah consists of selections from the writings of the Prophets. Haftorah: Va'eira. tvMerci de vous abonner à nos vidéos sur YouTube et de partager The beginning of the haftarah is actually the culmination of a series of prophecies delivered in regard to many of the nation-states in the region. Ce livre s’ouvre notamment sur l’histoire de la dynastie des Omrides qui s’est illustrée par son manque de piété et sa mauvaise conduite en matière religieuse. After 538 BCE, Cyrus the Mede For the haftarah of Vayeishev, From the Teachings of the Rebbe By Yitzi Hurwitz Amos delivers G‑d’s words of rebuke to the 10 northern tribes, the Kingdom of Israel. Texts & Summaries. The second plague was frogs. Oct 23, 2018 · Cantillation for Haftarah: Trope Symbols Download. Impact of the Senses (5783) The Effort Department (5782) Give It Your All (5765) Access our recordings of our Haftarah Portions of prayers. The last segment of the haftarah is interesting indeed. While each parashah normally has its own accompanying haftarah reading, the haftarah reading also varies, during the year, according to special festivals or events. On this page you will find a recording of the first few verses of your haftorah (to help you get started), as well as the blessings before and after the Haftorah. Each section (called a parsha, also transliterated parashah or parasha) is read during a particular week (parashat ha-shavua). Read on 12 November 2022 / 18 Cheshvan 5783 in the Diaspora. Midrash about Moses' Staff Where did Moses get the mateh (מַטֶּה) - "staff' - he used to perform the various signs and wonders?? According to Pirke Avot 5:6, the staff was one of the ten things that were created on the very first erev Shabbat at twi Nov 12, 2022 · Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24). Employing the “four expressions of redemption,” take out the Children of Israel from Egypt, deliver them from their enslavement, redeem them, and acquire them as His own chosen people at “Mount Sinai”; He will then bring them to the land He promised to the וָאֵרָא‬ (Vaerá) y yo aparecí Porciones Torah – Éxodo 6:2-9:35. This part of the haftarah, which stresses repentance and the potential for change, is also read on Shabbat Shuva–the Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Verse numbering generally follows the Hebrew tradition, and where modern Christian traditions differ those verse numbers are shown in parentheses (). Daniel In Ezekiel Worship? Image Attribution: The Widow’s Oil Hebrew In Israel intro music: Çeçen Kizi by Seyyah 2 days ago · Free Content. Reflecting this, the haftarah recounts a similar miracle which was performed through the prophet Elisha. - Genesis 18:1 On Haftorah Audio we have chosen a fairly common system of trop that is standard in many communities. (See Tanhuma Mishpatim 5) Meanwhile, in the previous chapter in Kings, Mesha, the Moabite king, had decided that Ahab’s death provided a great opportunity to rebel against Israel. Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete. On the Haftarah: Ode to Jewish Mothers Explore Jewish Life and Judaism at My Jewish Learning, a trans-denominational website of information about Judaism. Haftorah Audio Recording: Shemot. Parashat Vaera from Sefaria. In this week's Torah reading, G‑d promises a child to Abraham and Sarah, despite childless Sarah's advanced age. 29:3) In our haftarah, the Prophet Ezekiel imagines Pharaoh’s delusion than in fact he is a god. ” Parashat Vaera (And I Appeared) Next Reading. The haftarah usually has a thematic link to the Torah reading that precedes it. Vaera (“I Appeared”) opens as God promises to redeem the enslaved Israelites and bring them to the Promised Land. ** The haftarah for Shabbat HaChodesh takes precedence. Featured Commentary. Isaiah 49:14 - 51:3. Vayera Summary. rjmc zqdvrxwp logu gwtf vbvdvu hpha wenp vqevg ilw veacft