Tower and lovers as feelings. Reversed Ace of Wands as Feelings.

Tower and lovers as feelings. The Tower(XVI) + The Hermit: Learning from mistakes.

As the Tower is known to represent a sense of chaos, they may feel like they are in over their head and are not sure how to cope. King of Wands with The Tower. The Emperor reversed is often indicative of feelings caused by attachment issues in relationship dynamics. If you’ve been feeling stagnant lately, The Tower says it’s time to shake things up. When it comes to matters of the heart, the combination of The Nine of Cups and The Tower in a Tarot reading can be quite intense. At the outset, hot and cold feelings are exciting and bring passion into a relationship. Depending on the context, it can refer to different aspects of your life, such as love, health, career, and spirituality. Let your passion and love lead the way, everything else will follow. Life is full of good and bad. By understanding its deeper meanings, we can transform the destructive into the constructive. Learn the meaning of The Tower for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. This is also a card for creativity. Things between partners will be harmonious and loving. Upright Page of Cups as Feelings. The Justice and Hierophant in love readings can represent a spiritual union, traditional wedding ceremonies or In love readings Chariot and Lovers together may represent high sexual attraction, a fast moving relationship etc. Long-term relationships are built on stability. Queen of Pentacles and The Tower. Dec 29, 2023 · When you see the Knight of Pentacles, it’s about reliability and methodical progress. They make everything look so easy and effortless. Nov 8, 2023 · The Lovers card in the future position is a strong indication of upcoming decisions that may significantly impact your life. They still love you, but not in a romantic 9 Of Swords And The Lovers As Feelings. Whether it appears upright or reversed, the Tower card holds valuable insights into the potential for transformation and change in your romantic life. The Tower reminds us that sudden and massive change is a part of life. When the Ace of Wands is reversed, it means that this person is feeling intensely passionate about you, but in an unsustainable way that may quickly burn out. You may have gone through a realization process regarding how you approach love and romance, with uncomfortable truths coming to light. Those two cards come to you in the hope that you can make an important decision, one that is bound to change everything. Dec 29, 2023 · Ah, the Eight of Pentacles—this card is all about diligent work and mastery. It portrays a tower on a rocky cliff being struck by lightning, with flames bursting out of its windows, while two people fall from it. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Eight of Wands, it means that this person is feeling decisive about you. Knight Of Cups And Emperor As Feelings. When Justice is paired with The Tower, it means there are impending shifts or even upheavals Lovers and the Star a. 3 Of Wands & The Tower. Lightning strikes, burning the Tower down. It’s a sign that now is the time to be open to significant changes in your relationship dynamics. Dec 29, 2023 · The Tower Reversed For Reconciliation. When the Tower shows itself in your reading, consider it as a blessing in disguise. This combination shows unresolved issues in your current relationship. In a Tarot reading, The Tower may indicate a situation where everything we thought was certain is suddenly thrown into chaos. You make them feel like becoming their best possible self and are grateful to be in your life. This powerful card symbolizes a tower being struck by lightning, which can be seen as a metaphor for unexpected events that shatter our sense of stability and familiarity. It is not just for the storybooks. If you are wondering about a potential relationship, the Tower as love outcome means your person views you as someone who changed their life unexpectedly. b. Love and Relationships Conclusion. The Lovers and The Devil Together: In order to engage in a truly loving relationship, you have to break out of any negative, vicious cycles. You may be going through some challenging times at this moment in time which is throwing you off balance. When it comes to the Tower card in tarot, it is often associated with feelings of upheaval, destruction, and sudden change. The Ace of Swords reminds us that when we are feeling stuck in a web of obfuscation and deceit, truth will show us the way forward. The Seeker could feel the need to run from this love, or try and contain it. General Meaning The Tower has the number 16, which can be reduced to number 7. In this article, we will explore the meaning of one such Tarot card combination, The Lovers and The Tower. In this article, we'll take a deeper dive into the multifaceted nature of the High Priestess and explore how her presence in both upright and reversed positions can shape our understanding of love. It may not be personal to you, and it certainly is not up to you to fix. The King of Cups and the Tower tarot card as feelings represent someone is conflicted about their emotions towards you. Relattionships and feelings change and evolve constantly . The Star reversed is also a sign of feeling unworthy. This person is achievement-oriented, and they move very quickly when they know what they want. As feelings. Essentially, you’re feeling content, happy, and emotionally fulfilled. Can you feel that pulse of excitement and anticipation running through your veins? It’s like the universe is telling you, “Buckle up, you’re on the cusp <a title="Three Of Wands As Feelings: Is This Love The Wheel of Fortune and Hierophant doesn't necessarily represent any romantic feelings, but. They are feeling idealistic about you. Jul 5, 2024 · This is also a good time for new romances to blossom. It suggests seeking ways to manage anxiety and build confidence, ensuring that such concerns do not hinder your pursuit of happiness in love. Aug 9, 2024 · For Those Seeking Love. They have immense feelings of love for you that have yet to be revealed. The Tower Reversed and The Lovers Reversed are two powerful tarot cards that, when combined, can indicate a major upheaval in a relationship. Picture it: the kind of love you see in the movies, with a dash of spiritual connection. This may be due to their own personal beliefs or an outside influence. They love you deeply, but they miss the beginning of your relationship, when the energy between you was still fresh and new. Broken love. The 6 of Wands is a card that represents feelings of victory, success, and triumph. Letting things slide isn’t the same as resolving an issue. If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the Hierophant suggests that their feelings for you are platonic. For singles looking at their own feelings, the Chariot is a sign that you’ve achieved great self love. Since the Queen of Pentacles as feelings is all about stability, nurturing, and comfort, this is a very contradictory pairing. The Tower can predict major disruptions such as divorce or bankruptcy. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Ace of Swords, it means that this person is feeling like they are having a breakthrough moment. Over time, there may have been small miscommunications or arguments that you thought had been resolved, but in reality, they weren’t. In a new relationship, you could have given them a new perspective on life. Tower and Hanged Man combination in tarot represent a massive transformational energy where the outcome highly depends on. Instead of finding love where you left it, find love within yourself. Whether you’re in a relationship or enjoying the single life, this card is nudging you toward a more organized emotional state. 10 Of Cups Reversed As Feelings. They see you as someone they can flirt with, but they also still get nervous around. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Page of Cups, it means that this person is feeling dreamily in love with you. In love readings, the Hermit asks us to get in touch with and serve our Wise Self. Love and Relationships Meaning . There have been small problems that are increasing and situations are getting out of control. The Lovers And 7 Of Pentacles As Feelings. Career: Feeling insecure in your work, people treating you with disrespect, going above and beyond with little gratitude from others. If you are asking about how someone feels about you, and you draw Justice, it means that this person is very level headed and analytical. In this blog post, we’ll zoom in on the meaning of the Tower tarot card and how it relates to emotions and feelings. The Ace of Wands and the Lovers as a tarot card combination is a positive sign when it comes to feelings. These two cards together generally represent a strong sense of deep love and a willingness for commitment. The Tower card is a strong sign for existing Aug 3, 2023 · The Tower card in tarot can reveal your feelings in love and relationships. Temperance And The Tower As Feelings. Dec 29, 2023 · The Knight of Cups paired with The Lovers in a feelings-oriented reading which suggests a romantic and idealized emotional atmosphere. 6 Of Wands As Feelings. Upright Hermit as Feelings. It’s that winning feeling when you and a partner are both on the same ambitious page, united in purpose. To Conclude Jul 11, 2023 · Thankfully, even the powerful changes the Tower brings won’t last forever. The Tower is the card of transformative change, revelation, and awakening. The Tower reversed means that things are going to slow down but not be so shocking, it is all about the situation finally giving you what you desire. When it comes to the Star and the Lovers combination with regards to feelings, this indicates someone sees you as their life partner. Embrace the journey and focus on the growth and transformation that is possible. They will see the value in doing so, and they won’t hesitate. But what happens when it shows up in the context of feelings? I bet you’re asking yourself if the emotional energy you’re putting into a relationship is akin to the meticulous craftsmanship depicted in this card. Together, these cards represent a complex and challenging situation that requires careful examination. The Lovers and the King of Cups are both very positive and strong tarot cards, so this combination suggests the same when it comes to feelings. Upright Tower as Feelings. It will be in the distant future. You most likely already have a hint about this. You’re in a space where you can confidently say that you’re pleased with how things are going. The combination of the 8 of Cups and the Tower indicates that someone is going through a major switch. They are infatuated. Two people leap from the windows, headfirst. Ultimately, The Lovers card as feelings for an ex encourages us to find closure within ourselves and embrace the lessons learned from past relationships as we move forward on our life’s journey. A dramatic change (the Tower) which will force you on a temporary period of pause (the Hanged Man. This combination tells us that love will help the consultant to overcome an We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This person is also feeling very little sympathy and understanding right now. Tower and Six of Swords a. The Tower tarot card is not specifically related to love and relationships, but it can definitely provide some interesting insights. Just be considerate of other people’s feelings too, and don’t bulldoze everyone in your way, on your quest to find love. Three of Wands as Personality types For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. The helplessness of this situation is echoed in The Tower, but this is a card primarily of dissolution. It’s about the push-pull between what’s expected and what the heart screams for. But how do they endure these sudden changes? What inner strength allows them to rebuild and start anew after each metaphorical (or perhaps literal) collapse? Their story is one of resilience and rebirth, <a title="The Tower As A Person: Upright Dec 22, 2023 · The Lovers as Feelings (Upright) When The Lovers card appears upright, it often signifies a deep connection, harmony, and a significant bond between people. Their life seems to be a series of dramatic upheavals and transformations. The Tower As Feelings. For relationships and feelings, The Fool is full of duality. When the 10 of Cups appears reversed, it often represents feelings of jealousy or envy. Jun 3, 2024 · 1: The Lovers Unmasked: Beyond the Obvious in Love and Tarot. Three of wands as feelings. When you are single and looking for a romance, the Tower as feelings illustrates that you might be going through a period when your heart is unable to fall in love with a person. This is a scene of chaos and destruction. They are learning to trust their heart. For singles, the Lovers reversed as feelings indicates that this is not the right person for you. com Nine of Cups Combined with The Tower Tarot Card: Meaning in Love and Relationships. The Seeker desire more time to create when this card shows up. The Knight of Pentacles and The Lovers as feelings represents being aware of the fact that this person need to focus more on their love life. When the 5 of Cups is combined with the Tower tarot card, it suggests that someone is feeling a sense of loss and betrayal. For singles seeking love, this could be an auspicious time to meet someone special who brings sunshine into your life. When The Lovers as feelings in a reversed position, it can indicate a range of conflicting emotions and choices. Your ex feels that your relationship was significant in their life journey. Their feelings for you go beyond just potential, because they see your relationship manifesting in reality. It might not look like a positive card to draw in a love tarot reading, but it’ll give you an insight into possible issues in your relationship. The Temperance and Hierophant are also birth cards (14/5) in Tarot, which represents finding balance in your inner duality. 214red #17 i would see the lovers and tower together as romantic deep feelings too, if not i would expect For Those Who Are Just Starting a New Relationship: What The Tower Reversed Reveals About How Your Lover Feels About You? If you are at the beginning of a relationship and want to know what are your lover’s feelings about, the Tower reversed as feelings is about trust issues. They want you, and they are ready to take action to get to their goals. Dec 29, 2023 · Imagine meeting someone who is the personification of The Tower. The 7 of Wands suggests that you have the strength and courage to make the tough decisions. There's just NO way to get the message through to you ! I tried everything but still, you don't get what I'm saying ! Jul 19, 2020 · The Tower Reversed in a Love or Relationship Reading Reversed, this card speaks of needing to address inner issues before committing to another relationship. They may lack confidence in their own worthiness to be accepted and loved. Two of pentacles as personality types is someone who seems to always be playing rather than working. Something really good comes after a shocking situation. I love it when this pair come together. This symbolizes the profound, self-honoring reciprocity between a man and a woman. King Of Swords & Lovers As Feelings. If you are asking about how someone feels about you, and you draw the Tower, it means that this person feels that you’ve fundamentally transformed their life and outlook. Mar 1, 2023 · However, The Lovers card can also warn that there’s an existing relationship that’s creating an obstacle here. This card is a harbinger of swift and sometimes shocking transformation that rattles the foundation of your emotional well-being. It’s generally considered to be a dark, threatening card and can often be a forebearer of unforeseen and deeply traumatic events. All in all, the 10 of Cups suggests there is a great sense of positivity and optimism about the future of your relationship. For readings about feelings The Tower reversed is a card closely associated with fear and inaction. The 16th card in the Major Arcana, the Tower (XVI) is all about change. Couple that cuts. They do not know whether they want to move forward or backward. To get to the good, change is a necessary component. Live for today, and seize the moment. The card is symbolic of a choice that an individual has to make, a choice that can impact their life significantly. The Tower Combined With The Magician Tarot Card: Meaning in Love and Relationships. In this post, I'll share my firsthand experiences with The Lovers over the years, as well as the deeper spiritual Dec 29, 2023 · Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the vast sea with ships sailing towards uncharted territories—that’s the essence of the Three of Wands in the Tarot deck. You make them feel magical. The Tower Reversed in a Love Reading New Partnership. In terms of love life, this tarot combination bodes well for those who are already in a relationship. This combo is often a harbinger of transformative events that force you to reckon with what you’ve always thought to be true. Whether you’re exploring a new crush or navigating the complexities of a long-term relationship, this card prompts you to embrace change and honesty. Tower and any Ace a. It’s important to transmute negative emotions into positive ones. 10 Of Wands & The Tower As Feelings. For single people, The Tower reversed can show up when you’re avoiding confronting truths about yourself and your attitude toward love. When the Tower appears upright in your tarot spread, it’s often a sign that you’re experiencing a period of intense emotional awakening or turmoil. Your ex deeply respects you because they have learned so much from being together with you. It can also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions. Dec 6, 2023 · When the Emperor appears in a feelings-focused tarot reading, it’s an invitation to examine your emotional boundaries and structures. The Tower represents sudden change and disruption, often accompanied by feelings of chaos and destruction. The Devil is also a Major Arcana card that symbolises temptation, greed, and materialism. The Tower as Love Outcome Tarot Card Meaning; The Tower as Person Tarot Card Meaning; The Tower Tarot Card Meaning as a Situation; The Tower Tarot Card Meaning as a Yes or No Answer; The Tower Tarot Card Meaning as Feelings; The Tower Tarot Card Meaning as What Someone Wants; The World Tarot Card meaning: Upright and Reversed See full list on totallythedream. This can often lead to them feeling the need to pull away. The Lovers is Tarot card #6 and The Tower is #16. Problems in society. Lovers and King Apr 23, 2024 · The Tower is card number 16 (XVI) in modern cartomantic tarot decks and the 17th major arcana trump card (The Fool, number 0, is the first card). In this video, we'll explore the various interpretations and symbolism of the tarot deck, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the cards and their s I think I understand Towers signifigance and take to mean that the feelings are somewhat out of control;a revelation of sort has taken place as their feelings are deep and of deep connection with Lovers but the two of Wands sort of throwns me off toois the card telling me that of feeling upset/dissatisfied of feelings of the Towers and Lovers OR Jul 3, 2017 · Then they will love you, and commit, and you will be so happy, and all the hard work you did landing that fish will be so worth it, because LOVE. Here are some practical and insightful points to keep in mind: Your relationship is going through a crisis. The Tower reversed conveys avoiding an emotionally unstable partner. It can represent a sudden change that has left them feeling lost and confused. Dec 29, 2023 · If you’ve drawn these two cards, you’re likely feeling both in control and deeply bonded with someone else. Lost relationship. In love and relationships, the reversed Tower is a symbol of potential disputes, emotional outbursts, or painful revelations – shattering that complacent harmony. There is a spiritual sensation that develops, a holy force that transcends the limitations of passion or transient sexual materialism. This combo is like a classic romance flick meets a modern love story. The feelings related to it are usually powerful and intense, but not always anger. Choice in love between your current partner and a new partner. The dance between societal norms and personal desires Upright Two of Swords as Feelings. It is up to us if we want to make a change. It is important to remember however, that the Tower also has a really positive side, which is a representation of a period of transformation and personal growth. As we’ve seen above The Tower reversed is a card that represents someone in the process of change, someone about to overcome something but still in the middle of that process. Dec 29, 2023 · The Tower card, with its sudden upheavals and transformative energies, presents a dramatic chapter in the love story. When Temperance and the Tower show up together, it is often a sign that someone feels a bit unstable. Collapse of love. They may feel like they aren’t ready to deepen their commitment just yet. King Of Cups And Tower As Feelings. For singles and those in new relationships, Death reversed is a sign of feeling indecisive about where your potential relationship is headed. They most likely feel like taking things easy. The Empress and Judgement shows significant feelings. Rather, their feelings are based on how they’ve been treated by you in the past. In a love and relationship reading, the Seven of Pentacles can offer different layers of groundbreaking insights into how someone feels about the relationship and their (potential) partner. Dec 29, 2023 · The moon card is all about taking a closer look at the unseen, or almost seen. This person is feeling positive about your relationship, and they vow in their hearts that they will always treat you with honesty and fairness. The combination of the 10 of Wands and the Tower often represents feeling overwhelmed by a recent event or situation. As an evolutionary astrologer, I’ve seen The Lovers reveal the intricate dance of our feelings. Now, The Reversed Tower in your reconciliation journey is like a suspenseful moment where everything slows down. A lot of people face heartbreak due to the end of a relationship, for instance, separation, breakup, or divorce. They are in love with being in love with you, and they go out of their way to show it to you. Sep 5, 2023 · You must also try to be patient because being aggressive with your love won’t help make them comfortable around you. Here are some practical and insightful points to consider: A sudden change in your relationship is possible. The Tower represents change and chaos. Jun 3, 2024 · The Hierophant and The Lovers. As feelings, this combination suggests that this person is deeply considering what to do about this connection- and with the Hermit, they are choosing to keep it to themselves at this time. It signifies the meeting of two individuals who share a deep connection, a bond based on mutual trust and understanding. Reversed Nine of Swords as Feelings General Meaning Upright Knight of Cups as Feelings. Upright Devil as Feelings The Tower can be seen as the ultimate relationship test. Strength and the Lovers: This combination is usually an advice to practice self love; trust yourself and balance your head and heart while making a choice. If you are asking about how someone feels about you, and you draw the Hermit, it often means that they are currently too wrapped up in their own journey to worry about feelings. The realization that leads to change. They are very excited about you, but they may turn out to be a commitment phobe as soon as you want something more. However, remember, each Tarot reading is unique! Dec 9, 2023 · Step into the world of tarot with me as we explore The Tower As Feelings. Often misunderstood as a harbinger of doom, the Tower actually serves a vital purpose: it forces change and transformation. . When the Tower has fallen, the land is cleared for you to build a new Tower of your choosing. This can be a very difficult time, but it’s important to remember that things will eventually get better. Something unexpected happens that causes you to break up – and it’s a relief. When the Tower and the Magician Tarot cards are combined in a love reading, it can indicate a time of upheaval and transformation in your relationship. Knight Of Pentacles And The Lovers As Feelings. You are capable of doing this. You can design and build your new Tower as you please. For those seeking love, the Upright Nine of Swords advises caution against letting worries and fears dominate your thoughts. However, if they are never stabilized and remain unchecked, it is a recipe for disaster. When the Four of Wands is reversed, it means that this person is feeling some hesitation about change. You may have trust issues, particularly if someone in the past has betrayed you. See also: Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling Tarot books in the USA here. This symbolizes a shake-up in your beliefs, … Tower as Feelings In Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) Read For existing relationships, the Tower means that they see you as unlimited potential. But hold on, there’s a whole universe of emotions swirling beneath that initial impression. It refers to the Chariot card and a reevaluation. This is real, and this is amazing! The Magician as feelings means that they feel charmed and inspired by you. Are you creating healthy boundaries? Are you steering your emotional ship with clarity and purpose? <a title="The Emperor As Jun 28, 2021 · Reversed The Tower as Feelings. Description and Symbolism of The Tower Tarot Card: The Tower is one of the most feared and ominous cards in the tarot deck. Upright Five of Wands as Feelings. In plain speak, these are Daddy issues. It’s a sign that the anticipated upheaval might be more internal than external, or that a major crisis has been averted. The Death and Judgement as feelings shows someone who is trying to leave their past wounds behind. Encountering the Tower in a Tarot reading can trigger an emotional upheaval, challenging the perceived stability and security in our lives. This person is scared of their feelings. When we work on healing our past hurts and give ourselves self-love, we will find the love we deserve. The combination of the 9 of Swords and the Lovers presents an interesting mix of feelings towards you. They love you and they feel loyal to you. The 6 of Wands can also indicate that you are feeling confident and proud of your achievements. This person is on the cusp of change, but does not feel entirely ready to embrace it yet. This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. Love: Being treated unfairly, inability to move on, moping over a lost love. The crown that was on top of the tower is catapulted into the air, symbolising that this is the end of an era. If the Tower tarot card is one of the Major Arcana cards pulled in a love reading, the probability of success isn’t good. Three of wands as feelings denotes the Seeker feels ready for a renewal. You know what you want, and you’re ready to get it. Feb 6, 2024 · When it comes to tarot readings, the High Priestess is a significant figure that often emerges in discussions about love and relationships. Addictions (whether to drugs, sex, or love) kill loving relationships. The Lovers reveals that pure love is unavoidable and that we do not know what causes it, just that it is a completely transformational energy that brings us together. You have a major financial decision to make. 7 Of Wands & The Lovers As Feelings. When you first glimpse The Lovers card, you might think, “Ah, romance!”. This person feels very driven to sweep their desired love interest off their feet and conquer their heart. True love is real, and it is extraordinary. This awe-inspiring card is a symbol of sudden, seismic shifts in our emotional worl For relationships and feelings, the Knight of Wands represents passion and pursuit. The Tower(XVI) + Seven of swords: Lying. King of Cups and the Tower. Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. Lovers and Two of Cups a. They are feeling the early stages of love for you, where everything is clouded in optimism. Dramatic end. In essence, it’s the pursuit of a well-rounded, equitable partnership. ” The Moon navigates the complex waters of intuition, unconscious desires, and, emotional uncertainty. They are feeling rather selfish right now. Unfortunately, neither you nor your partner is willing to act on the problem. Aug 15, 2023 · In this post, we’ll be going over The Tower tarot card in-depth with upright and reversed meanings, as well as The Tower as a person or significator and The Tower as feelings. But what does this knightly figure mean for your feelings? It’s as if the universe is nudging you to assess the steadiness and consistency in your emotional life. the Justice The Star And The Lovers As Feelings. The Tower(XVI) + The Hermit: Learning from mistakes. The person is feeling a rush of romantic feelings (Knight of Cups) that were brought to a sudden stop by the revelation of something that they didn't know about their love interest (The Tower) Whatever those 'fools rush in' feelings might have been, they've been brought to a screeching halt by some secret being revealed. You could be running away from love because you’re afraid to get hurt. Unlike the Empress reversed which has feelings associated with maternal attachment issues, the Emperor reversed has feelings associated with paternal attachment issues. Start of a new romance. Codependency is dangerous, and we must develop our own individuality in a relationship. It is a card that often symbolizes a dramatic event that shakes the foundation of our lives. The Tower sits on top of a jagged mountain. For those in new relationships, the Lovers reversed as feelings is a sign of discord. It’s a card of harmony, relationships, and decisions. The Tower is about a sudden - maybe even painful - insight or a sudden influence turning our world upside 5 Of Cups And Tower As Feelings. The King of Swords and the Lovers card pulled together indicates this person feels very compatible with you. They feel excited and happy to be alive. The Individual Meanings of The Lovers and The Tower Before we dive into the combined meaning of The Lovers and The Tower, let's take a closer look at the individual meanings of these two Tarot cards. Apr 23, 2024 · The Lovers is card number 6 (VI) in modern cartomantic tarot decks and the 7th major arcana trump card (The Fool, number 0, is the first card). The Tower and The Lovers combination gives you a divination about an outcome in your future, which is directed by the guiding influences of (1) UPHEAVAL and (2) LOVE (The Lovers). Collapse. For singles and those in new relationships, the Knight of Swords reversed is a sign of feeling aggressive and controlling. Their feelings about you are not solely dependent on your chemistry. Jul 24, 2017 · The Tower Tarot card interpretations for love and relationships. This is a sign for you to move on and start a new life. In the imagery, a tall tower is struck by lightning, causing its top to crumble and people to fall. Temperance reversed is a sign of feeling entrenched in all or nothing behavioral patterns when it comes to love. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Knight of Cups, it means that this person is feeling in love with you. In love, work, health. Understanding The Tower in these positions will equip you with a deeper intuitive understanding of this Major Arcana card. Symbolizing unexpected events and foundational shifts, it prompts deep reflection on the very core of romantic relationships. There are definitely strong feelings involved with this card combination. Mar 4, 2024 · The Tower tarot card often strikes fear into those who glimpse its imagery of a crumbling tower struck by lightning. Together, let’s unpack the challenges and revelations that The Tower brings, understanding the rebirth that often follows its tumultuous storms Death And Tower Reversed Combination In Love And Feelings Reversals in my view are not as powerful as upright so the situation will be less shocking. They are strongly attracted towards you, however they feel as if the love cannot be for some reason. The Knight of Cups and the Emperor combined indicate both ambitious and highly emotional feelings. Remember what you deserve in love because you deserve nothing but the best. When the Tower appears in a love themed reading, it usually means that there is something coming that will disrupt the current circumstances. For singles, the Tower reversed as love advice means you could be bottling up your feelings. This card beckons you to look <a title="Eight Of Pentacles As Feelings: Your Hard Work Will Pay For those in committed relationships, the Hanged Man reversed is a sign of feeling indecisive and resistant to change. Join me as we embark on this journey of self-reflection Combinations for The Tower and The Lovers. The Tower(XVI) + Page of wands: The shocking truth. Just as the Fool, as the 0th card, is the start and end of the Tarot (often aptly titled as the Journey of the Fool), the Fool is also at the beginning and end of any relationship. Now is the time to release them. In order to love others, we must first love ourselves. What does The Lovers and The Tower mean together? The combination of The Lovers and The Tower tarot cards is a complex one, but it can indicate an upcoming period of transformation and growth. Upright Tower in Love and Relationships When Dec 29, 2023 · What Does Nine Of Cups As Feelings Symbolize? When the Nine of Cups shows up in a tarot reading concerning feelings, it’s considered the “wish-fulfillment” card. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Three of Wands, it means that this person is feeling very sure about you. Dec 29, 2023 · You’re likely feeling that the relationship should not only be emotionally rewarding but also fair in the sharing of resources or family responsibilities. King of Swords and Queen of Swords as Feelings. Reversed Ace of Wands as Feelings. They feel that you understand them at a very deep level. It’s the universe whispering: “Things aren’t as they seem. Dec 1, 2022 · The The Lovers card and The Tower have unique qualities and will interact with each other in different ways depending on what kind of reading you are doing. The Lovers and Hermit tarot combination can represent a past relationship or a major life decision that you ponder upon. Dec 29, 2023 · The Hierophant with The Tower (Major Arcana) If The Hierophant comes up with The Tower, you’re in for an emotional shake-up that will question your fundamental beliefs about relationships or love. Upright The Tower as Feelings. Loosing something only to gain something even better Tower and Four of Swords a. If they have been single for a while, they may function under the belief that love only leads to pain and loss. Emotionally, it indicates a sense of passion, commitment, and unity, with a focus on making choices that strengthen the relationship. Two of pentacles as feelings speak of the seeker feeling joyful and relaxed. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Five of Wands, it means that this person is feeling conflicted about how they feel about you. Yet, it also presents an opportunity to confront our emotions and feelings directly. The Tower(XVI) + Queen of wands: A drama queen. When it comes to the people we love, there’s nothing that can stop us. Your commitments, beliefs and values may go through a reevaluation during the Hierophant and Judgement moment. The feelings may not be mutual, and that’s not enough to get a relationship started. This combination can indicate that someone is feeling overwhelmed by you or your success. The Lovers suggests that you are having a difficult time deciding which path to take. The Lovers, on the other hand, symbolize difficult choices and a need to reconcile conflicting Reversed Knight of Pentacles as Feelings. If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Two of Swords, it means that this person is feeling stuck between decisions. When they look at you they feel deeply inspired and creative. This person feels like they’ve never experienced this type of connection before. Reversed Four of Wands as Feelings. The Tower card represents the Universe telling you that you require this change to happen for your own spiritual growth. They feel comfortable with you because you give them the space they need to flourish as an individual, while also giving them the love they need in a partnership. They want to hold a grudge. This could be in regards to a romantic relationship, a business venture, or any other area of your life. Mar 3, 2024 · Introduction The Lovers card in Tarot often comes up in readings involving relationships and feelings of love. But it need'nt be bad, and in fact it can often be predicted. It signifies upheaval, sudden change, and disruption. Our greatest power is within us. Rather than being empathetic about other people’s feelings, they are hyperfocused on themselves. In the emotional realm, the Moon serves as a mirror to our subconscious, reflecting hidden fears, suppressed <a title="The Moon As Feelings The Tower reversed offers a fresh start, a chance to rebuild your life into something stronger and more resilient than before. Upright Three of Wands as Feelings. Aug 8, 2023 · Understanding The Tower as Feelings in Love Tarot. The High Priestess and Judgement in a love reading shows that you will have a moment of realization about your connection. Love will happen for you, but you’ll have to have patience. The Tower(XVI) + Four of wands: Destruction within the community. As a spiritual blogger who has explored the meaning of this card extensively, I'm often asked what it signifies when it shows up upright versus reversed in a spread. The Tower Reversed as Love Outcome in Situations of Breakup or Divorce. It’s important to know what these feelings mean because they can help you understand why people behave in certain ways, and give insight into their Oct 24, 2022 · Upright The Lovers card as feelings portrays love, empathy, confidence, togetherness, and harmony between the pair. The Lovers As Feelings Reversed. The 9 of Swords is generally associated with a sense of fear and worry, indicating that someone may be feeling quite stressed when it comes to their relationship with you. Tower and Death a. The card is often interpreted as a symbol of sudden upheaval, chaos, and destruction. In this guide, we will explore the complex meanings behind The Tower and The Sun Tarot cards and the implications of their combination. If you are looking for love, the Tower signifies feelings of personal change and revelation. Hope and free will are important here. However, when it appears in a love or relationship reading, The Tower offers profound insights into the emotional foundations of the bond. On one hand, they like you a lot. The Seeker could feel they have walked too long on the same old path, and they are now ready for a new beginning. Lovers and Two of Wands a. Alternatively, the World and Hierophant can suggest traveling for. The Lovers speaks of a soulmate relationship with a perfect union under heaven and earth. The Tower is secrets that are kept for too long and they pop, a roof that has seen too many winters and cracked, or in the dramatic confession of a lover. The Tower represents destruction, albeit an often-necessary destruction. Ever caught yourself wondering if a tarot card can tell you about someone’s feelings for you? The Tower tarot card represents sudden and unexpected change or upheaval in life. The Devil also reminds us that the greatest chains are the ones we set upon ourselves. They are feeling indecisive. Both the upright and reversed position will be explained, as well as some powerful tarot card combinations that include the Tower card so definitely make sure to read all the way through! Upright Justice as Feelings. Ace Of Wands And Lovers As Feelings. The Tower(XVI) + The Star: Rebuilding your life. Pulling the Tower card in a love Tarot reading signifies major shifts and revelations. Health: Unmotivated, unwilling to try new things, depression Upright Eight of Wands as Feelings. This is something akin to putting on a very elaborate costume for a date, having the date go swimmingly, and then realizing if you want to keep the romance going, you are going to need to keep that This person likely feels a strong sense of love and belonging when they are with you. The Lovers Tarot card represents love, intimacy, passion, and relationships. Whether this refers to simply moving on from a past situation, or rethinking certain mindsets toward love and relationships, avoid resisting change in your love life and acknowledge that The Lovers tarot card as feelings speaks of love that can feel overwhelming. The combination of the 7 of Wands and the Lovers suggests that you are feeling torn between two different paths. In <a title="The Tower As Feelings: Prepared Alternatively, their lack of faith can also have to do with their own self esteem. Two of pentacles as feelings. A spiritual leader in a crisis situation. The Tower Meaning – As Feelings (Upright) Upright, The Tower is a powerful transformative force. If you want to put that drive into dating, that’s great. Paired with The Tower, the King of Wands signifies a feeling of resilient leadership amid chaos. Justice with The Tower. They feel as if you would make a great team together and you complement each other’s most important qualities. The Tower reversed as intentions mean that they are harboring hostile feelings. This person may have been feeling caught up in work lately but has come to the realization that there are other important things in life besides business. The Lovers and the 7 of Pentacles together often indicates that you are feeling very content and satisfied with your person. They feel on top of the world and truly stable and strong. The Lovers card brings choice to the forefront, asking if love is following a script or writing its own. Love will help the consultant to overcome an existential crisis. Understanding The Tower Card The Tower card is the 16th card of the Major Arcana and is depicted as a crumbling tower on fire, with people falling from it. Dec 12, 2018 · The Tower Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money. When the Knight of Pentacles is reversed, it means that this person is feeling that things between you have gotten a bit dull and stale recently. On the other hand, there may be some external circumstances that make the situation complicated. These feelings could be targeted at many different areas of life. In a reading, it can indicate that disruption and conflict are coming your way. Upright Ace of Swords as Feelings. Ever felt like you’re the emotional rock in your relationships, always dependable and secure? <a title="Knight Of Pentacles As Feelings Dec 29, 2023 · The the tower card erupts into a feelings-oriented reading, it’s like a bolt of lightning piercing through your emotional clouds. With relationships, the Tower usually predicts the ending of a friendship, a breakup, or a divorce. Two of Pentacles as Personality types. End of a relationship, breakup, separation at any level. The Tower: Key Meanings The Tower Tarot card represents sudden change, upheaval, and disruption. Perhaps you have recently gone through a difficult time where everything you believed in was turned upside down. Lovers and Ace of Cups a. The Lovers is a Major Arcana card that represents love, choice, and partnership. fclfx jbbyk synu txn bvkaj jbifxr ztn xebg vtqzgz uwl